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· 3 min read
Sushmith Banoth

yolo-algorithm-and-its-Applications-in-computer-vision YOLO Algorithm and its Applications in Computer Vision

What is the YOLO Algorithm?

The YOLO algorithm is a computer vision technique that allows us to detect objects in images and videos. This algorithm is different from other object detection algorithms because it can identify multiple objects in an image or video frame. It was originally developed for human detection but has been extended to other tasks such as vehicle detection, face detection and pose estimation.

· 4 min read
Sushmith Banoth


Ever wondered how smart our eyes and brain are? What if we could train a machine to become smart to a certain extent? For example, we can look at images of skin and figure out if there’s some disease. We could train a machine to look at images and classify them into different classes positive (skin has some disease) and negative (skin does not have a disease).

· 4 min read
Sushmith Banoth


Challenges in AI development

Artificial Intelligence market size is growing and it is said that it can grow up to $15.7 trillion by 2030, as quoted in the research paper

As AI grows, the impact and challenges rise parallely as well. Let's see some of the most common challenges in Artificial Intelligence Development.

· 4 min read
Sushmith Banoth

Employ your CCTV Cameras for Facial Recognition using AI

The pandemic has changed the way we live. People have become extremely conscious of every surface they touch and that worry takes up a significant part of the brain and leads to anxiety. There are some simple ways in which you can avoid this at spaces which require people to tap a RFID card or register their fingerprint to get access to the space. This can be done by using facial recognition along with the cameras placed at these entry points.